There was a time when smartwatch became the new craze among tech users. Considering the trend, many smartwatch brands came into the picture to make some revenue. After Apple Watch, we get to see hundreds of new brands that came up with their own version of smartwatch but none of them really beat the Apple Watch.

There is a smartwatch in every price bracket right now. If you have limited budget and looking for best smartwatch under 5000 in India, you will see there are hundreds of options but a lot of users don't really use the smartwatch for an extended period of time.
Cheap displays, inaccurate sensors, poor battery life are the reason why people get fed up of cheap smartwatch.
Most of the people buy smartwatch because they have some expectations with that and if you are someone who think they are going to do something with their smartwatch, make sure it comes with some of the things that will act like an extension to your smartphone.
Bluetooth Calling
Bluetooth calling is a first and basic feature that you should be looking while buying a smartwatch with the whole purpose of using it as an extension to your smartphone. With bluetooth calling, you will be able to attend, reject, dial calls right from your smartwatch. That way, it can be used an extension to your smartphone and that's what we want. Even the best smartwatch under 3000 comes with calling function.
2. Camera Shutter
There are times when we wanted to click a photograph of us from a distance. There are timer in the camera that you can use but if you have a smartwatch with camera shutter feature, you can click photograph within a certain range using your smartwatch. Now that's how an extension should look like.
3. Inbuilt Storage
Most people are aware of their body now and try their best to indulge themselves in any kind of physical activity. Be it gym, running, cycling, swimming, cardio, cross-training, Yoga etc. but when we are talking about extension of your smartphone, you should not be carrying your smartphone when exercising. If you want to listen to music while working out, your smartwatch should have enough storage to keep 100-200 songs and you can listen to using TWS earbuds.
4. GPS
A smartwatch without GPS is a waste and just a toy. What kind of extension that would be if you need to pull your smartphone out of your pocket everytime you wanted to see the direction on Google Maps? A smartwatch with inbuilt GPS will give you direction right on your wrists and that makes a proper sense of using smartwatch as an extension to your smartphone.
These are the things that makes your smartwatch an extension to your smartphone. If you don't have these features in your smartwatch, you will, somehow, will get fed up of using smartwatch. There is no point of buying a smartwatch with just a screen and inaccurate sensors. The best smartwatch under 20000 will give you all sort of features. Even the best smartwatch under 10000 will make sense. Just consider these things in mind if you really want an extension to your smartphone.